Università degli Studi di Brescia

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department

Mechanical and Thermal Measurements Group

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-Undergraduate Courses

Courses syllabus
-Measuring with Labview
-Mechanical and Thermal Measurements
-courses held in Italian

-Operational Modal Analysis
-Industrial Diagnostics
-Measurements for Space
-Public Transport Comfort

Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria Meccanica

ing. Matteo Lancini
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Industriale
Tel. +39.(030 371)5539
consulting hours: Tuesday 1000-1200 MTTLab (II floor - east wing)

NOTICE: the latest edition of the VIM (international vocabulary of metrology) in ENGLISH/FRENCH/ITALIAN is available online, registration is required but free.
Even a brief look at it could improve oral test performances!!

Course scope:
The course is intended to provide students with general knowledge about metrology and mechanical and thermal measurements techniques for industrial applications and diagnostics.

Course organization:
All lessons and practial sessions will be held in English. Examination either in English or Italian.

- WED 1030-1330 EC
- THU 1130-1330 MTB

-written test followed by oral interview on standard examination sessions
-upon receiving written test assignment a transducer type will be assigned to each student: a datasheet for the latter is to be found, analyzed, and presented during the oral interview. If no datasheet is presented, one will be randomly chosen to be discussed.

Reference book:
Doebelin - Measurement Systems, application and design - McGraw-Hill
Coleman Steel - Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers - Wiley & Sons
Azzoni - Strumenti e misure per l'ingegneria meccanica - Hoepli
Vallascas, Patenè - Misure meccaniche e termiche : grandezze tempo-varianti - Hoepli
Ajovalasit - Estensimetri elettrici a resistenza - Aracne

Further references:
ISO 13005 - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurements - ISO
International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology - ISO
J.P. Bentley - Principles of measurement systems - Pearson Higher Education
J.W. Dally, W.F. Riley, K.G. McConnell - Instrumentation for Engineering Measurements - J. Wiley & S.
J.W. Dally, W.F. Riley - Experimental stress analysis - McGraw Hill
T.G. Beckwith, R.D. Marangoni, J.H. Lienhard - Mechanical Measurements - Addison-Wesley
R.S. Figliola, D.E. Beasley - Theory and design for mechanical measurements - J. Wiley & S.
Bruel & Kjaer Handbooks and Lectures
